Chaplains Chat Volume 6.

Helping kids solve problems for themselves.

From a board game to the boardroom, problem-solving is a skill that can get you through many tricky situations in life. In today’s challenging world, problem-solving is a necessary life skill to navigate the maze of challenges we all face. So how can you teach your kids to become good problem solvers?

Children need to practice their problem-solving skills. The starting point can be everyday play. Here, they are surrounded with chances to problem solve, whether they’re playing an imaginary game with their toys, building with blocks, or coloring. It’s the perfect time for them to show you what they know and what they can do.

It also gives you the chance to prompt them towards a solution and to praise their efforts.

For example, your child might be working on a puzzle. They ask for your help finding a missing piece. Instead of just handing them the piece, you could prompt them to find the answer themselves. You could say something like, “What size piece are you looking for? What color?” and guide them towards the answer.

This not only teaches them about the steps of problem-solving, but it also sends them the message that problems have solutions. And they will realize that they are able to find those solutions.

Growing up in an environment like this will help kids become confident enough to tackle problems in the future.

Geoff Harrison. Australind Baptist Church. Chaplain.

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